Precast Concrete Panels

Precast concrete panels in walls and floors can be easily and economically insulated by incorporating Plasti-Fab PlastiSpan insulation into the panel at time of manufacture. The panel when placed provides a fully insulated finished wall or floor section.
Wall Panels
The precast concrete panel is usually constructed so the interior shell of the
panel is structural and will support wind loads or any other loads expected.
Since it is insulated from the weather it will not be subjected to extremes of
thermal expansion and contraction and will be a more suitable unit. The
windows are mounted on the interior shell which is more stable. The
interior shell acts as a heat source for the window, warming it and allowing
for a higher relative humidity in the building before condensation occurs on
the window.
Floor Panels
PlastiSpan insulation is placed into precast concrete floor slabs to provide
a convenient method of forming a concrete joist system. The floor panel
is closed on both sides and the end as required for fire rated construction.
The insulation enclosed in the panel allows for fast and easy assembly, a
flat surface top and bottom with the lightest possible panel weight.