Civil and Infrastructure Solutions
EPS solutions for soil stabilization and structural load requirementsWe have the full range of geofoam lightweight fill and high compressive strength EPS for soil stabilization and structural load applications. As a vertically integrated company, we test our products in-house to meet strict quality standards. They are manufactured responsibly, producing limited emissions and conserving water and energy.

Geofoam General Information
Plasti-Fab manufactures moulded expanded polystyrene (EPS) products that have been used successfully in a wide variety of geotechnical applications. EPS geofoam has been used in projects involving a wide variety of applications worldwide for over 50 years.
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Road Embankment Construction
With the use of Plasti-Fab’s EPS lightweight fill you can reduce construction schedule and traffic impact, maximize the use of right-away, reduce construction labor, and reduce the potential for future maintenance requirement.
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Slope Stabilization
Plasti-Fab® GeoSpec® expanded polystyrene (EPS) lightweight fill material is often the best alternative for lightweight fill material in embankment construction as it is 100 times lighter than other fill options used for road construction.
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Compressible Fill Applications
Plasti-Fab compressible fill materials can be designed to reduce the forces that would be induced on structures by soil movement thus reducing the likelihood of damage to the structure above. These solutions are easy to adapt and install on site.
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Floor Slab Design
Plasti-Fab will help you determine the needed compressive strength EPS for your floor slab design. We have variable compressive resistant densities available ranging from 10 to 60 psi, and thicknesses designed to meet your project requirements.
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Utility Line Insulation
The use of PlastiSpan insulation to encase pipes and vessels for utilities protects the pipes from freezing in extreme temperatures. This protective layer also minimizes heat loss for above or below grade pipes and provides a stable internal temperature.
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Load Reduction on Buried Utilities
The use of high compressive strength EPS placed above or around buried utilities provides a protective layer effectively keeping the pipes from being damaged by extreme temperatures as well as loads from traffic and unstable soils.
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Retaining Wall Applications
The lightweight properties of GeoSpec fill material results in reduced vertical stresses. As well, the interlocked GeoSpec fill material block settles with a slight tilt away from the wall face reduces potential lateral load on a wall.
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Landscape Applications
Landscaping over the upper floors of buildings or underground parking garages can be an attractive architectural feature. PlastiSpan lightweight fill material provides greater flexibility and reduced loads, allowing for a broad range of landscape designs.
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GeoSpec® Lightweight Fill
GeoSpec® lightweight fill material is expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam used in ground fill applications where a lightweight fill material is required to reduce stresses on underlying or adjoining soils/structures.
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